That's because if every Democrat isn't a thief when they run for office, they will be after they get in office: thieves, liars, con artists, traitors, and murderers. The Democrats have suborned the democratic process by having not only delegates but superdelegates, and the aristocrats (The Clintons, the Kennedy's, the Obama's.)

Rank and file democrats didn't get to vote for Kamala; they were told she was going to be the next president, and if they didn't like her, tough.

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And the ones that don't cave and become dishonest themselves usually switch parties after trying in vain to fight against their own party to bring integrity and honesty to it.

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I’m praying continuously that any one involved with cheating in the election will be found out immediately, they will be charged to the fullest extent of the law, the means of cheating will be shut down and all assets forfeited. If you are a believer please agree with me according to the Word that says if 2 shall agree touching anything they ask it shall be done for them by our Father which is in heaven. ❤️✝️❤️ Father God we pray for a secure clean election, and anyone trying to do anything fraudulently will be taken out by any means you deem necessary. Thank you Lord for founding our Republic and you are protecting us from evil.

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Wouldn’t be able to go through what i see happening without fear or worry if my faith in the Lord was not strong. Being a reader of the Bible and a follower of Christ i see and understand how and why things are are playing out the way are. This is not our battle it is Gods. It started a long time ago when they turned their back on Christ. Took him out of schools. It grew to what you see today the unbelievable lies, hate, destruction of our childrens minds and so on. We know if you are filled with this much hatred you become more unhappy and destructive. You can never find peace, happiness, or compassion. The hatred grows and grows to what we see today. I will join you with your lovely prayer. I hope others will also. With God we have hope.❤️🙏🫂

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End ALL political action committees.

The fallout from the "Citizens United" ruling of a couple decades ago is coming home to roost. This ostensibly right of center idea, like most political ideas, has been weaponized against itself.

Since the CU ruling we have seen the corruption of government and our politicians accelerate exponentially. It is not coincidence and in this case correlation is causation.

The flow of millions of dollars by these "bundlers" (the new parasite, actually worse than a lobbyist) has shown us that crime does pay. While the left has nearly perfected it, the right is catching up quickly. Look no further than this asinine budget debacle. They had a year to work on a budget. Instead they wait until the last weeks, tie a poison pill (the SAVE Act, which is absolutely political gaslight bullcrap that fixes nothing and allows illegal aliens who have been given social security numbers by a corrupt democrat administration, the right to vote in future elections) to the coattails of a CR ultimatum (we have to vote to extend the Pelosi Schumer budget, or the government (and all your illegal handouts) will stop functioning) ....


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The left sees conservatives as stupid fools that are constrained by ethics and morality. This - combined with a willing embrace of double-standards and hypocrisy - is what it is to be a modern democrat.

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Democrats cheat. Period

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So what?

They've committed far worse crimes and laughed about it. Nothing will be done even if Trump wins. These criminals will talk away rich because the West is run by the worst organized criminals in history.

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Government itself.

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Will a renewed Trump DoJ fully audit and bring Criminal charges against ActBlue, its managers and beneficiaries?

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By then, we may have a much much bigger problem - WW3 ?

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ActBlue may not have noticed, but these days the blue party is a right-wing, Wall Street war party, with decidedly non-left supporters including Cheney and Boulton.

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This needs to be shown on all the outlets. Would be assassin donated to Act Blue too

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Hmmm...Maybe have the IRS investigate for the possible prosecution of the clueless, blue-haired Democratic "donors". If these near destitute "donors" are able to donate these huge sums, clearly there is a tax evasion case to be made. Drag a few of these elderly dupes' names through the mud, sit back and enjoy. These days, it takes a true shit show to engage MSM and public ire.

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Time to stop this corruption...

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IMO The left has gone so far left they have circled around to the far right and are now far right radical supremacists. Everything is about them (not the people), and they will do whatever it takes to win.

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I believe Omega4america has a video that shows where ActBlue gets it money and who it goes to.

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ActBlue was the link to donate to BLM. They ran with the money and bought mansions.

It’s not only the fact that real donors don’t know where there money is going. Money laundering also involves bad actors using a stolen identity to make their donations under a different name to hide the source of funds. Many are likely foreign actors who use these sources to funnel money to US political causes.

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I just wish someone would get prosecuted for their Dem Shill corruption!

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