As a tax paying citizen and dog owner/lover this makes me sick to my stomach! Each and every day I find some way to read enough material that I am reminded the depths of evil has no boundaries.

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ditto and as my late, great Dad used to say "Nancy, there HAS to be a hell for these people".

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Nothing short of evil as well as his mate Gates 👿

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Experimenting on defenseless animals is WORSE than bio weapons mandates on humans. Why? Because humans can say “no” and walk away, even if they lose their job… this is horrible on it’s own.

The animal had no choice and was made to suffer agonizingly by Fauci’s madness.

- It’s incomprehensible that Fauci has no moral compass for any life other than his financial one.

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You’re right…..he’s a disgrace to the human race!

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I vote for cutting Faucis vocal cords out and letting sand fleas eat his face off. Give him the experimental injections they were testing

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There are also rumors about his experiments on children in foster care in NYC 70’s or 80’s

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Not rumors....they are true

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absolutely. And as a criminal defense attorney, I can tell you that now it is sex rings in foster care.

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But rumors. Truth. He knew no one would care about them

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Worse things are occurring NOW under Darpa Brain Initiative in which citizens are being brainchipped and tortured and forced to suicide for #ai. Fauci’s wife oversees. This couple needs to swing. https://rumble.com/v59003m-elon-musk-the-darpa-brain-initiative-congress-and-the-first-neuralink.html

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Understand @LaraLogan compared Fauci to Josef Mengele which was more than accurate. She was removed from Fox for the crime of being accurate. However, Fauci is the hand of something more sinister and more entrenched. People with a bottomless pit of funding and a desire to map the very depth of human destruction that can push the funding of "gain of function" research on deadly pathogens developed in a lab by geopolitical adversaries. There is a dark spiritual dimension to this emanating from the Abyss. How many people have suffered from the "experiments" of he and his sponsors such as Bill Gates?

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Exactly,Dr. Mengele reincarnate

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I will also never forget our military dogs who were abandoned in Afghanistan during the Biden Harris disastrous withdrawal from the country.

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And or people, our dogs matter, but we left people who our dogs would have willingly sacrificed themselves to protect. This administration is diseased, disgusting and disturbed. That they did this is wrong beyond wrong.

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That's what Marxists are.

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Eye for an eye. Prosecute His ass and all that had anything to do with it and the murder of millions since the AIDS epidemic that he clearly used as research for the pharmaceutical industry and his own wallet on unsuspecting US citizens. Geneva Laws anyone 🤔

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It's remarkable - and sickening - what's "OK" for "progressives" these days.

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Fauci needs to have the same experiment repeated on him. No animal deserves it more. Was Dr. Mengele any worse? I doubt it.

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Maybe mengele was his mentor. Mengele was unbelievable. There was also a Japanese dr doing similar experiments and was invited to experiment here in the US

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Yes, I’m aware of the Japanese doctor, although I don’t recall his name. That doctor is hardly ever talked about, or mentioned.

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There is no excuse for treating dogs or any other live animal in this manner. Find another way. Do anything else. Do not cause pain and confusion to a helpless animal, claiming it's for the benefit of humanity.

No sane human makes this hideous choice.

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The man displays many personality traits consistent with psychopathy. Not least a chameleon like ability to hide from the results of his actions.

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These vile psychopaths must be brought to justice!

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This MAKES me sick!!!Horrid people

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Will justice be served? No.

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