I wondered where all the animal rights activists were when Fauci's gruesome lab tests on beagles cam to light...not a peep.

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We don’t need any more Boards and commissions; we need to pass a law preventing gain of function research at all. We already have waaay too many government agencies; making another one is counter productive for the American people

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Totally agree!! Our government system, as it exists today, does not do “oversight” effectively, if at all, in any area!! Congress is WEAK at holding themselves accountable - much less able to hold the numerous bureaucratic agencies accountable. And those agencies that are doing and behaving in nefarious ways seem to be very good at avoiding Congressional oversight!! The RRRA will simply add another bureaucracy that won’t be held accountable.

Besides, WHY would we not just do the RIGHT THING and ELIMINATE such dangerous activities like Gain-of-Function which literally serves only one purpose……. To HARM the Human Race!!

Honestly, I’m quite disappointed in Rand Paul’s efforts to create the RRRA!!

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What about all the reported 10 or so biolabs in the Ukraine that seems to be the reason we were sending in excess of a trillion dollars to a country that seemingly is flourishing now due to our tax dollars? We NEVER see any real pictures depicting a true war from this country and no one with a brain believes that Russia couldn't have wiped that country out within 1 week. Explain why.

I suppose this is how our government has been able to pay for the invasion at our southern border and pay these people to come here while padding the pockets of many. This may just be a conspiracy theory, but it makes the most sense.

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This is an amazing essay. Thanks for your insights. Our country has been to long into the realm of relative values rather than absolute values and we lost common civility as a result. Individualism without God breeds identity and tribal feuds. This is why the first command is to put God first and His way, not man (my way, or the highway). There is no argument on truth and relativity is not the end all, but a kind of death of a community. We are in unity when we all agree on absolutes like “Thou shall not lie or steal or covet or kill.” We shape up to someone, (a good God), beyond ourselves. And even justice then can be meted out better. Thanks.

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So the answer to the corrupt big government is to have more corrupt government? I'd like to hear how pauls' wife (and presumably him) knew to invest in the company that makes remedesivir in early 2020, and why they didn't disclose it within the time frame they were supposed to.

Maybe they should be sitting next to fraudci? This is exactly why NOTHING will come of this absurd murderous campaign. "It's one big club and you're not in it." George Carlin.



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It seems as though both sides have very serious lack of integrity and we, the people suffer as a result while the 1% and those in office prosper at our peril.

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Mr Paul..,Thank God for your articulate viewpoint, you’re a breath of fresh air in a very stuffy world we’re living in. Loved this piece I’m so happy & feeling blessed 😇

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What is high-risk life science research? I have always believed that restrictive laws are not beneficial. The principle of law should be to grant power while ensuring corresponding responsibility.

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Nicely done. As for Dr Paul's independent commission, the Ford Administration proposed to Congress that to keep nuclear energy facilities safe, we needed an independent Nuclear Regulatory Commission that was separate from nuclear R&D activities inside the Government. Splitting an existing bureaucracy in two, so that regulators are in no rush to approve the unproven, is not a perfect solution but it's better than doing nothing. So doing the same with federal research funding for biology has similar benefits.

The Nietzsche digression was fascinating.

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Indite Barrick, Birx, Fauci and their cohorts !

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The four points of Natural Law as quoted are sufficient to determine whether or not "gain of function" is the intent of "risky research" and therefore such research must be terminated.

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Tjos bill would be a step in the right direction if enacted.

Terry Oldberg

Engineer/Scientist/Public Policy Researcher

Los Altos Hills, CA

1-650-518-6636 (mobile)


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Brilliant, powerful, and logical.

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CIGIE OR THE COUNCIL SINCE 1978 now exposed for being above the law.

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