I no longer call it MSM nor Legacy Media. I call it what it is!!! Corporate Propaganda Media!!!

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WOW, you just made me realized our MSM are the same as USSR Era Propaganda.

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Why on earth is Fauci allowed to get away with all this if this article is true!?

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Of course it's true. I suppose it's hard to believe such an esteemed "public servant" as Fauci is arguably a psychopath, but reading RFK jr's The Real Anthony Fauci lifts the lid, the facts meticulously cited, certainly raises that possibility. What's inarguable is he and his fellow "science" conspirators are our enemies.

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Deep State agent. Corporate Media Protection.

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Never in history have so many blatant lies been fed to the people and perpetuated, despite millions seeing through the lies, by legacy media. I hope the hacks realise they're mainly little people, not much bigger than the rest of us, and they'll get THEIRS in time. They thoroughly deserve it. Fauci must be one of the worst examples of humanity on the planet - his crimes go back to when he started killing those with HIV very cruelly with a big moneyspinner AZT.

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Fauci should’ve been hung by the neck till he was dead way back in 2022. Gates has to be the next big ticket in this expose.

Why anyone watches/listens to lamestream media is beyond my comprehension.

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Fauci lied, people died !!!

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I don’t know what the Covid shot is, but it ain’t a vaccine…

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Public enemy #1 and 2, bill gates and Anthony fauci. Killers

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There are more enemies there in this! This enemies think they live forever but later kill by the eugnetic puppet's people who are also going to be murderd by the elite eugnetic people (reproduction health vs depopulation the people of lower than the elite people members of the eugenics agenda), so... (reproduction health vs depopulation people into death). This all puppet's thinking they will be "saved from" this "speedup depopulation people to die or to be murderd", they will not (?) because the eugenicts (whatever spell) behave like a mafia gang who kills everybody who they do not or may not be alive ever! That means "everyone inside of eight billion people on earth", that is them goal, because they (eugenics (exnazi-regime inside of america)) think they have other bodies than others... Trust me on mine word... That is them own mistake from the past until the presence day... Because they created this dna change over and through the centuries on the regular people or humanbeigns or whatever they were... I believe they have the same dna as from the beginning of times when everthing were be created by God! Is eugenics the fallen angels under the people who have mixed them up with the presence people on earth,or just a few families under the elites people? Who knows the true about this? Nobody! Only Gods knows his own plan in this! They (eugenics) will never know God genuinely... Because is this them (fallen angels descendants) "biggest experiment ever to know God better than ever?".... For them eternal judgement to try to escape from? Because the devil and his gangs thinking they are smarter and clever or even in the thinking mind of arrogance, they (eugenics) have the absolutly more "wisdom" than God? Because they have A.I.! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Followsups "Pandemics" as the "Biggest ever experiment ever from the decentants from the fallen angels under the few families on earth"... Are they the ten satanics family of the fallen generations of Gods people from his beloved nation?

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Senator Paul, thank you for your steadfast determination to bring the truth to the public and hold the criminals accountable. We need many, many more honest and responsible public servants like you in Congress.

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I hope it happens. Meanwhile, Fauci is feeling the heat. You can see it on his face.

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Well, well, well, here it is. Straight from the horses mouth.



The Virology Joural - the official publication of Dr.

Fauci's National Institutes of Health - published what is now a blockbuster article on August 22, 2005, under the heading - get ready for this - "Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread." (Emphasis mine throughout.) Write the researchers, We report... that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells.

These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage.'

This means, of course, that Dr. Fauci has known for 15 years that chloroquine and its even milder derivative hydroxychloroquine (HCO) will not only treat a current case of coronavirus ("therapeutic") but prevent future cases (prophylactic"). So HCQ functions as both a cure and a vaccine. In other words, it's a wonder drug for coronavirus. Said Dr. Fauci's NIH in 2005,

*concentrations of 10 uM completely abolished SARS-

CoV infection.* Fauci's researchers add,


can effectively reduce the establishment of infection and spread of SARS-CoV.*

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America under criminal administration Biden/Harris and Gavin Newsam in CA


Same in Los Angeles, Oakland, San Francisco, etc.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vc6CHRrtH8 or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py65MJC8VR4

A colleague went to San Francisco with family. On a corner in downtown he observed a scene from hell – three humans in grotesques unnatural “frozen” (unmoving) positions (fentanyl effect).

One was standing by a bicycle with upper body horizontally lying motionlessly across bike.

Nowhere on Earth – in any city, state or country would be allowed such horror and suffering – for years. Only in Biden/Harris/Newsome America.

While Congress mega-gangster, Nancy Pelosi, literally kisses hands of Ukrainian Nazi-gangster and US vassal, Zelensky, in US Congress, while a large contingent of RINO Republicans wave Ukrainian flags – celebrating hundreds of billions dollars to Ukraine while above horrors are daily in the US. Congress demanded that showing that infamous photos are – forbidden to show (“disinformation”).

Note, that after US coup against democratically elected government of Ukraine and in the name of “defending democracy”, all parties were outlawed, opponents of Nazi-dominated imposed government started to “disappear”, all media is strictly censored and staffed with CIA-trained propagandists, Russian media is immediately forbidden in Europe and US….

We are ruled by a corrupt and criminal Biden/Harris administration. The country is now being entirely run by a slew of minions like Jake Sullivan, Antony Blinken, etc. Just observe a video from the past day alone, which is outright shocking -- an absolutely wasted, mentally unfit, and enfeebled looking Biden croaking out some frail introduction to his wife, who is now heading the Cabinet meeting in his stead. It is the first Cabinet meeting since October of 2023—an entire year—and it’s being run by Jill sitting at the head of the president’s seat…

This is America today – in which CIA-DNC controlled state media in unison adores and pushes an unelected loser -- the brainless puppet “Skamala” Harris.

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Fauci published in a medical journal in 2005 that Hydroxicloriquine is the only thing that kills the precursor to Covid.

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This attached information is critical. If you care at all about this country you will take action. This info (you MUST read the embedded links) proves that Harris IS NOT a natural born citizen and that the 14th Amendment was to extend citizenship to the slaves not to any foreigner that drops a baby on our soil. We need to speak up. Our country is in grave danger and our legislators need to stop worrying about bad press. If you prove this wrong then do so. If you ignore this information then we all will know who and what you really are. https://tncss.substack.com/p/here-we-go-againanyone-that-tells?r=7591d

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Why you locked the comments in a previous post about Trump saying that Iran is trying to kill him?! Because he's going to Lala land like Biden? Or because he's a kind a different type of warmonger, payed by the same oligarchy as Harris?

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Fauci will rot in hell!

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