The Anti-Duct Tape Act sounds more catchy to me. A recent comment I made related to the Zuckerberg letter...

So what will Zuckerberg or those ordering the censoring do to help right the wrongs? It wasn't only about censoring posts, but also shutting down Facebook groups such as Died Suddenly and Freedom Convoy ones. What about the efforts by U.S. Surgeon General to stop spread of "misinformation" or Biden's appointed Ministry of Truth? How can anyone who has an iota about the Constitution and Bill of Rights support an administration that has blatantly tried to remove our right to free speech? This is akin to duct-taping the mouths of those asking for help or trying to get help. It's tyranny - cruel, oppressive government or rule. Are those in these authoritative/power positions supporting/encouraging/ordering/enabling censorship not a parent, aunt/uncle, sibling, or child of someone that was trying to ask for help or trying to warn others? Or of someone that died or was injured because of the mandates and pressure to take the shots? - https://leemuller.substack.com/p/poll-who-is-the-most-guilty - why are people only admitting wrong and not taking action to fix it and stop it? Zuckerberg needs a commercial not just a letter. Maybe he creates a Facebook page or group asking how the wrongs can be made right again. Maybe he creates a web site showing all of the censorship that took place and reestablish all the groups that were shutdown. Maybe he shares the specific names and communications of who ordered/pressured what. That would be a start. When will those who are supposed to enforce the law start standing up for the Constitution and Bill of Rights? When will those who established bad laws such as not requiring informed consent, or fast-pacing clinical trials to take place on the general populous a.k.a. Real World Evidence take effort to repeal these laws?

Beware of laws that have an end date. These are laws that are enabling a plan, an agenda rather than making a country better. The best laws hold over time.

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This is a great and timeless quote from Lee Muller: "When will those who are supposed to enforce the law start standing up for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights?" This truth is much deeper than many Americans would care to admit. A case in point: The prosecutor commits gross professional misconduct in overturning the jury's independence by selling the defendant's guilt through negative extrajudicial publicity before the case even gets to the jury.

It's known as jury nullification. In this case, "standing up for the Constitution and Bill of Rights" means two things: It means demanding consequences against the prosecutor because he has taken out the Fifth Amendment (due process) and the Sixth Amendment (defendant's right to an impartial jury trial). What consequences? The rules of professional misconduct require that he be disbarred for doing it. A newsletter, published just two days ago presents this situation. It's entitled: "This is the Professional Misconduct that the Supreme Court Buried. It is the Record of New York DA Alvin Bragg. Part Two. Here's the link: https://therunnymedereport.substack.com/p/this-is-the-professional-misconduct-098?r=3tdx2w

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Bravo! and thank you, Senators Paul and Bishop!

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Reading comprehension at the sixth grade level isn’t the issue, it’s that sixth graders, and those younger and older, for many years now, have been taught about THEIR rights granted FROM the Constitution. The classical liberal education wherein rhetoric, logic and philosophy were part of the foundation have been cast aside for something else. Shockingly, organizations like Turning Point, USA are compounding the issue with meme displayed in this article.

The Constitution gives the individual no rights. The Bill of Rights is a clarifying document to that point. We need to be more precise about that in our education system, and particularly conservative organizations wrapping themselves up in the flag and the Pledge of Allegiance. The Constitution does not give us the right to free speech. THE freedom of speech, et al, exists because of our human nature. Not because of the State. The State can take many things from the person, up to and including life, but because it does not create what only nature and deity can, it cannot GIVE the person those things. Like conscious, speech, etc.

In short, stop reposting false memes please. It’s a little thing but its interpretation has big consequences. Let’s start teaching our sixth graders correctly. When little Johnny asks what the Constitution or the government “gives” him, the response should be “nothing.”

As Javier Milei’s said, “the state can give you nothing because it produces nothing…”

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This is a great point made by Mr. Scribblerius. The government does not give anything. For example, the Constitution and its Bill of Rights is the property of the people and not the state.

However, its rights can only be realized when people demand that it be enforced. Consider a case in point. The prosecutor takes away the fair trial rights of a defendant through unlawful out of court publicity before the case gets to trial. The rules of professional conduct demand that it be disbarred for it. But if the public doesn't know this he can get away with it. A newsletter, published just two days ago documents this corruption that needs to be cleaned out. The newsletter is entitled: "This is the Professional Conduct that the Supreme Court Buried. It is the record of New York DA Alvin Bragg. Part Two." Here's the link: https://therunnymedereport.substack.com/p/this-is-the-professional-misconduct-098?r=3tdx2w

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Beware of ANY politician with lips moving. #GETRIDOFALLOFTHEMNOW

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Thank you for carrying the torch of liberty in the darkness that is enfolding the world. These pathological control freaks must be stopped! God bless you Dr. Paul!

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Free speech! But only for RealAmericans! Not communists fags libs or minorities!

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The midwit response here is usually some form of: "Duh facebook can do what they want they are a private company". The recent Zuckerburg (and other) revelations prove that no, facebook, and the facebook adjacent, ARE the government.

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the state is not controlled by the politicians. It's the deep spider webs internally that have to be dismantled. I love the image of the paperwork being the ramparts of old. It's exactly what it is. The process is the punishment for the average person in ,America. https://open.substack.com/pub/unforget/p/essay-6-the-regulators?r=1lkzw5&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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We need more politicians like Rand Paul.

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This is a good bill. What are the chances it can get passed?

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It’s not enough to merely state what laws are broken when it comes to our government & social media moguls overstepping the law and abusing their power.. where is the prosecution, accountability and upholding of the law when it comes to these proven intentional actions & breaking of the law? This administration and media moguls are merely normalizing lawlessness & evil (murder if you will) and there is no real consequences. Talk is cheap!

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This is a fantastic quote by John Knapp: .."where is the prosecution, accountability and upholding of the law when it comes to these proven intentional actions & breaking of the law?" The American people are basically ignorant when it comes to "how" to bring prosecution against the wrongdoers who would break U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Take the American prosecutor. He decides to find an easy to get a conviction against a defendant.

He succeeds by contaminating the jury before the case gets to trial by negative extrajudicial publicity against the defendant. And it works. He gets the conviction. In doing so, he has broken the due process rights of the defendant (the Fifth Amendment) and the defendant's right to an impartial trial (the Sixth Amendment). Yet, accountability "is" available. It's just that the American people don't know it. The rules of professional conduct require he be disbarred for it. Here is a newsletter, just published two days ago that shows how this evil is perpetrated, thus necessitating the disbarment. It's entitled: This is the Professional Misconduct that the

Supreme Court Buried. It is the record of New York DA Alvin Bragg." Here is the link: https://therunnymedereport.substack.com/p/this-is-the-professional-misconduct-098?r=3tdx2w


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