TSA NEEDS SHUTTING DOWN. 23 years of taking off our shoes and being molested to fly having to prove our citizenship while others walk over and don’t have to do anything get sent on buses and trains. It was all designed for us to give up a little freedom for safety we are the targets they want to control us.

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The Good Major Gabbard is not a conservative or a Republican.

Until fairly recently, she was a Democrat and ran for president on the Democrat ticket in 2020.

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Precisely, when the article starts out with such a glaring miss of the facts it detracts anyone with a couple of IQ points from reading any further.

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"Gabbard, a conservative who ran for President as a Republican, is on the TSA watchlist for simply being a maverick."

Why would Rand Paul approve this being written under his banner? Integrity was once not only valued but required. How far we've fallen.

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Not Rand Paul.

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I was put on terror watchlist for political reasons then fed into depraved experiments. You could not begin to understand the horrors I have endured.

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A lot of democrats are leaving the party because it has blatantly become a Marxist party and more a co-operative arm of the globalist agenda I welcome anyone who has woken up to that fact.

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Well, she's no Dick Cheney for sure. When are the idiots going to realize that Republican/Democrat or liberal/conservative labels can't be used as a basis for praise or derision anymore. The questions that matter most are between constitutionalists and globalists (also called "elites"). Failure to grasp this political reality and taking issue with anyone because they're "not conservative" or "too liberal" is an often used gambit of simple minded, lazy thinking individuals stuck in a long past paradigm.

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This is a great quote from badnabor: "When are the idiots going to realize that Republican/Democrat or liberal/conservative labels can't be used as a basis for praise or

derision anymore. The questions that matter most are between constitutionalists and globalists (also called "elites"). One of the great areas of deception is about the legal profession. The Republicans scream and scream about the weaponization of government and the so-called two tier justice system. Yet, Donald Trump was wrongfully prosecuted and convicted by means of jury nullification through the news media and not one of them stepped forward to say that they should be disbarred for their professional misconduct.

Why not? It is high-time that the American public demand that the wrongdoers be removed from the practice of law for doing it. Here is a newsletter, published just two days ago, that documents this. It is entitled: "This is the Professional Misconduct that the Supreme Court Buried. It is the Record of DA Alvin Bragg. Part Four. Here is the link:


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It severely destroys the credibility of this substack. It shows that they were trying to frame this as a DNC attack on Republicans by lying about Gabbards standing. This type of R vs D fight shown as we are good they are bad and they are attacking us is exactly what is wrong with politics.

Now I wish I didn't have a year long subscription. Shameful.

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Cancel & get refund. Rand is nothing like he pretends.

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please explain your assertion/comment reasoning in full if you are going to make one. back it up.

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Yes, it is not making our homeland secure or giving us peace of mind.

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I suspect I’m on this list too. 5 out of my last 6 flights I’ve been stopped and searched or patted down and my bags have been pulled for further searching in spite of paying for global entry/tsa pre check…I thought we paid extra to be put on a trusted list!? One time, flying from Sacramento to LA they took out an unopened bag of coffee and claimed they needed to cut it open and test the coffee contents.

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I was harassed by TSA when I flew to Florida a few years ago. I had a small container of sunscreen in my bag. I was told it had the ability to be explosive due to the contents. So I had to undergo the full patt down and other harassment. I swore I was never flying again. So far i have kept my word.

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government agency overreach is a grave problem. whether it is the right or the left who is in power, it can and is used to abuse people.

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This is a tremendous quote from Sacred Peak: "government agency overreach is a grave problem. whether it is the right or the left who is in power, it can and is used to abuse people."

The U.S. Constitution and its bill of rights is designed to prevent government agency overreach. One of the main ways it happens, though hidden from public view, is the abuse committed by the state bar associations across the nation. They regularly politicize prosecutions against targeted defendants when it serves their political interests. How do we know this? We know it when prosecutors go to the news media, before the case goes to trial, to make the defendant look guilty so as to contaminate the jury while the state bar association looks the other way. Here is a newsletter, published just two days ago, that documents this incredible corruption. It is entitled "This is the Professional Misconduct that the Supreme Court buried. It is the Record of DA Alvin Bragg. Part Four." Here is the link: https://therunnymedereport.substack.com/p/this-is-the-professional-misconduct-4e2?r=3tdx2w

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thank you, Rand Paul!!

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I still remember going through" security", the TSA,soon after it was implemented. My shoes off, I looked

at the 2 tall men I was in between in the processing line and telling both how unconstitutional this was. They shrugged and said we'll be safer. I couldn't believe they didn't care. I never thought I'd say Thank God I need to have a wheelchair!

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My reaction was the same. I did not have to be in line to see all the searches were unconstitutional. I refused to fly, I did not fly for over 10 years in protest, it didn't work.

Finally had to go to a funeral, flew then and nothing had changed, still stupid shoes off and taking liquids, un opened, marked from the manufacturer because they exceed an arbitrary weight, like the 6 foot distance sounds good, lets go with it!

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And we pay for being searched and having our property seized.

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Pamela Schieber, please see the above reply to Diana Woodward.

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Thank you We are living in Bizarro World. I started reading your blog. Unless all of this is stopped we will lose our country.

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A key point Diana Woodward makes is the one about the unconstitutional searches.

The American problem with this is that if the Constitution can be brazenly broken before us all in one area then it becomes meaningless in others. Specifically, the American legal profession has put rules in place to assure that prosecutors obey the Fifth and Sixth

Amendment rights of the defendant to a fair trial. It wasn't just debate chatter. The rules say that if the prosecutor breaks those civil liberties he is required to be removed from the practice of law. The American people need to know this so that they can demand that these racketeers be removed from the law business. Yet, if civil liberties can be shamelessly violated in this area, how can we expect civil liberties be respected when it comes to these unconstitutional searches. Here is a classic case that documents the problem so this corruption can be removed. It is a newsletter, just published two days ago. It is entitled: "This is the Professional Misconduct that they Supreme Court Buried. It is the Record of New York DA Alvin Bragg. Part Four." Here is the link: https://therunnymedereport.substack.com/p/this-is-the-professional-misconduct-4e2?r=3tdx2w

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People are put on watch lists because they good possibly expose our government, not because they deserve to be watched any other reason. Nobody should be able to track a persons whereabouts 24/7 from womb to grave, Nor should anybody want to, that is 100% evil and 100% Satan. Satan is the only one who would truly stand to benefit from a system like surveillance on the level that it’s being done to begin with. He needs to know everything about everyone at all times to pull the kind lie working us all over with. I’ve been thinking about what the mark of the beast could be a lot lately, I think it has a lot to do with the way humans are tracked, and I think that is what it has always been about. For the record I’m only pointing out what my mind sees here, maybe I am wrong, but it sure feels like he using tracking to keep himself a few good steps ahead!!!

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Debatable!, please see the above reply to Diana Woodward.

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I have a transponder in me. I have a bluetooth implanted in me. I have had Neuralink for nearly!11 years. Every thought I have has been observed remotely for 11 years. I have been enslaved. I am assaulted & followed by military drones. I have gone to Rand Paul repeatedly for help since 2016. He has never helped. He is an actor. He is a fraud. https://x.com/nazivogue/status/1798430181889114444?s=46

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Gabbard, who is awesome, is a liberal who ran for president as a democrat. WTF? I'm embarassed to be a subscriber.

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N O W•••‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️


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B Dollen: Please see the above reply to Diana Woodward.

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— Y E A H H , W H A T ‘S U P W I T H —- T H A T …!!!⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️

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Yes need to go

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Markusstarkey: Please see the above reply to Diana Woodward.

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If our country was actually more secure since the establishment of the the DHS our government might have a viable argument for it's tax payer funded existence. The USA has never been a more unsecured, unstable and dangerous place. I'd say that's proof that DHS has failed at their mission.

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— E X A C T L Y — ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️

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The criminals running this country set us up with the Patriot Act. They caused 9/11 then they scared the hell out of us.

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Fuck the tsa

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Admiral Glorp Golp: Please see the above reply to Diana Woodward.

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Promoting your substack this way really makes me NOT want to read it.

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