Tucker is bigger than Fox maybe not now but some we the people trust Tucker and you can’t say that about Fox

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Can you imagine the amazing sound bites we would get if Tucker were the press secretary for Trump?? 🤣 OMG I would LOVE to hear him slam home the truth and expose journalistic hypocrisy on a daily basis. He’s so quick too.

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He’s freer than his former colleagues there!

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Tucker Carlson network go to tuckercarlson.com

For 100. You can see all episodes new and old.

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“Every culture institutionalizes certain forms of behavior that communicate and encourage certain forms of thinking and acting, thus moulding the character of its citizens. To the degree that the individual is made an object of constant mental manipulation, to the degree that cultural institutions may tend to weaken intellectual and spiritual strength, to the degree that knowledge of the mind is used to tame and condition people instead of educating them, to that degree does the culture itself produce men and women who are predisposed to accept an authoritarian way of life.”

That's why I love wearing this "Don't let mass media tell you what to think" shirt in front of sheeps 👇


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I won’t click bc I’m tired of your ads.

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Tucker was also exposing the global communist coordination with their digital passport chain (CBDC, vaccine record, access to food/shelter/water/ etc.) and DEI-driven ESG social credit score whip.

Here's how you win.

You destroy the communist Democrat voter base:

1) Tell the blacks they're about to be re-enslaved if they vote for Kamala with a digital passport chain and social credit score whip;

2) Tell women they've been told lies by communists leveraging them as a Marxist victim group for power.  Communists don't give a rip if women think their body is their choice.  Ceausescu banned abortion and birth control, and the CCP forced sterilization of women.

3) Challenge every black urban leader to be either Harriet Tubman / Frederick Douglass and free their fellow blacks from Democrat rule or African chieftains selling them into slavery.

It's not nice or polite, but the time for nice and polite is over.

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They too will die one day.

Our responsibility is to teach our children how to think.

I am following John Campbell on YouTube for almost 5 years now. It begun with some medical explanations for everyday folks which I found very useful.

When covid started the man was full-blown by the book protectionist and received 3 shots himself. I listened about vitD but did not receive any GMO myself. Instead, I had covid, got it over with, dellveloped natural immunity, the end.

Over the long covid months John, a clinical nurse and nurse teacher, before my eyes started to reveal and understand with horror what was really going on. Yt censored him multiple times but he did not give up. There are TONS of his materials available to watch and everything is documented. There are also a couple of other med doctors Campbell recognised early on. Tucker could explore their findings and go deeper because it is now time

His words that this is a fascist experiment are not too strong. Because this was exactly it.

This was the largest 'in vivo' experiment on humans ever undertaken in the history of human civilization.

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The beatings will continue until morale improves.

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He is the most truthful reporter and he alway speaks the truth, the idiots that are so evil they hate that the people are not having it happen again and now know the truth.

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What things do they all have in common? Check who owns mainstream media, and to whom/what they are tied.

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Fox News firing of Tucker Carlson was the final straw for my pulling the plug on watching it.

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I still appreciate Gutfeld but I don’t pay for any cable or any networks. I like the perspective of Kat Timpf, Tyrus and Gutfeld. I like most of the guests and need some humor!

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Not when they helped cheat in the election or forced people to take kill shots?

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chicken or egg

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I eat both.

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I’d pulled my before but would catch Tucker when someone would recommend a particular show of his.

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Soros is an individual who has many enemies due to his behavior and wealth, boyhood of which he misuses for personal gain rather than the greater good of the people. He won’t be able in the future to change his course of action because of his few remaining years and will always be looked upon as a enemy of the world and a danger to society, what a legacy to leave behind, shame on this ugly person!

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The truth is out, everyone knows, but now these evil shits have AI and that’s not an understatement they literally have AI. We have to come together and put the electronics down for a while. Then will be able to see exactly what their up to. I can’t think of another way to force Satan out into the open. If they can’t whisper into our ears anymore, the divide and conquer strategy is dead. Then we can see where the money goes. One way or another they are going to back us all into a corner. I think forcing to show themselves by shutting down the propaganda machine is the best way. Not that anyone will do it, especially not the fake crowds cheering these clowns on.

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Turn off the tv, quit going to work and quit paying taxes. W/o tax money they do none of it.

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I’m mean ya although I don’t like telling people to quit their jobs but in all honesty it’s

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They're going to collapse it, might as well beat em to it.

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Tucker tells the truth…that's why they try to cancel him. They think people are stupid. The stupid people are the ones that get their beliefs from mainstream media. Actually, it's brainwashing…

Help the brainwashed people you know, if you can.

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It's not (yet) perfect, but X is the best we have in present time. Musk has a lot to do. He will get it done if we go by his past performance. It's who he is.

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He's a cover, NWO government guy still censoring, and working on helping get chips into as many humans as he can. Trust no one because no one is trustworthy.

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I really have to disagree with you about Musk's "Free Speech" Twitter/X. I was "permanently suspended" from the platform in October 2020 after reposting a picture of the front cover of the New York Post from October 14 of that year. I have been trying regularly to be reinstated on that platform in the last 3+ years and have instantly received a denial of my request every time I have sent an appeal of that suspension. The Last attempt was yesterday. Musk has not created a "Free Speech" platform.

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Oh please! You personally are not that important. I too was banned permanently; however I’m not bitching like you.

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Tucker is the man?

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No dumbass Tucker was fired for exposing the lies about Jan. 6th and the coverup of their stolen 2020 election. COVID IS SECONDARY. HE WAS ABOUT TO AIR HIS INTERVIEW OF CAPITOL POLICE CHIEF GORDON SUND AFTER THIS INTERVIEW WITH TARIK JOHNSON.



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That too!!

He was their worst nightmare. Probably a combination of his programs that scared them. Remember his interview with Hunter’s business partner? Burisma & more!

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