May Dr. Fauci be held accountable before the law.

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I would really like the instructions to file a lawsuit against the cdc, fauci and everyone else. We have to file a temporary restraining order on any future lockdowns and forced jabs based on having been personally damaged by the last. This way we would have standing in the court.

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There are number of organizations that are fighting for medical freedom in the courts. You may not be hearing about them because their efforts are generally and resolutely ignored by the mainstream media— but that certainly doesn't mean they're not happening. But two examples:


(which has some lawsuits in-progress)



There are more, and now many states have medical freedom organizations that are also doing important work, including lawsuits.

So one possible avenue for those individuals who don't have the know how or personal resources to bring lawsuits themselves is to simply support these and other such organizations.

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May ALL of them be held accountable before the law. It's a long list.

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I think the virus was produced in China. And let out at Chinese

New Year when over 70000000 people travel. This is a war crime that killed millions and should prosecuted.

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May God barbecue his soul.

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should he not first be scewered?

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Good... I hope he has a severe case of West Nile for all the harm he has done, he deserves nothing less.

I had a moderate to severe case of West Nile 8 yrs ago and still have the lasting effects of it. Maybe our government should NOT be releasing infected mosquitoes and ticks upon the public for their putrid experiments!

Our government has been doing so for some 60 yrs now and I am glad to see that one of their own got a taste of what he dished out!

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Fauci can thank his good buddy bill gates gmo mosquitoes 🦟

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Fauci has been lying since day one, not surprised at all concerning anything he says

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Gain of Function may have already been ginned and released. Check out what is starting to automagically bubble up with mosquito born EEE in New England and now New York. EEE-k!

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This is a smokescreen for sure. The quote was appropriate. The book "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu is actually in the military library they teach his tactics. I have the book.

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Who cares

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Yea right….next new plandemic coming I’m sure

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Maybe he should put himself on a ventilator!!!??!! 😏

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How did pauls wife know to buy stock in the company that produces remdesivir, early 2020. Then neglected to report it. I wonder why? Wasn't 2/3 of congress taking ivermectin, prophylactically? How did they know to take that? I smell a lot of rats.

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If we’re luck he will get Bubonic plague.

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Please keep him alive until the trial.

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Think how much $ we will save if he dies!

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Just trying to prevent he goes quietly to Hell with all dues unpaid.

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Don't underestimate the stupidity of the general population. 4 cities on the northeast coast voluntarily agreed to lockdown because of 1 case of equine encephalitis contracted by mosquito. They rearranged evening children's sports activities to accommodate. Yep, apparently just like covid mosquitos only come out after school.

Personally I would rather stupid people stay in their homes.

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West Nile... COVID... AIDS... it's anyone's guess. As the lead Ad Man for all things Big Pharma, I guess advertising his latest illness falls into the category of "there is no such thing as bad publicity!"

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