Fauci and fellow collaborators should be accountable for crimes against humanity…….

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Thanks for highlighting this key - and telling - Fauci quote. I'm a Substack author and just wrote a "Random Observations" column. Nobody has to read this piece, but I think the meme/cartoon I used for my artwork applies to Dr. Fauci. So I hope a few readers take a look at this image.


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Loved the cartoon Bill joyfully shared it!

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Regarding those mRNA shots, these are the shots that are causing these "things."

Another recent column where I'm not asking anyone to read the article - just look at the picture.


P.S. The shots are also causing cancer and "turbo cancer" diagnoses to go through the roof. We have to stop those shots. Today.

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I've decided there are two types of people in the world.

The first group will look at the above photos and just shrug their shoulders and think something like, "No big deal." Or this must be "fake news." They won't do anything.

The second group - maybe 15 percent of the national population - looks at these photos and is aghast. They will try to do something to stop these shots.

I keep coming back to this question: Why is my group so small?

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Leveraging jobs to achieve compliance is coercion to reasonable people. Is there a court verdict that makes this legal precedent?

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Though failing to follow the scientific method of investigation, Fauci claims to follow it. This is how he reaches the erroneous conclusion that Americans should be forced to take an mRNA "vaccine" though a clinical trial of it has not yet been conducted.

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Shame! Shame on Fauci, shame on the WEF, on Bill Gates and his minions, on our government and governments around the world! Shame!

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I been aware of the clotting issue. The pictures in your article are the first-time I actuallly saw them. And you had it right, why won't anyone look into this and why the whistle blowers won't speak up. Is it because of national security?

You came up with some good questions that I will use.

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