We are at an inflection point with the opportunity to slow the takeover of free will.

God bless the warriors who have the intestinal fortitude to stand up to dictatorial malfeasance

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Censorship is the hallmark of said inflection point.

I think everyone has a perfect role to play...

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So good to see Joe Rogan and Elon Musk take on those who would silence them.

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Indeed, same for Tucker Carlson. All have mega phones!

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Just wow, now I know these “elites” are not as stupid as they seem to be these days, where on earth did you @sshats twist that into Marxist Harris!

This quote screams Tulsi…“She is a strong woman. She is a person who served overseas twice ... She's everything you want!”

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Go for it, Joe Rogan - this is the only way to stop the dishonest propaganda machine that the mainstream media has become - hit them in the wallet - sue them into bankruptcy.

And we need a group of lawyers or firms to launch an organized campaign of filling multi-million dollar lawsuits against Facebook, YouTube, and Google on behalf of all the conservative voices or organizations that they've silenced and censored.

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Their viewership #'s have tanked, they are losing revenue.

Defammation lawsuits are hundreds of million.

As you point out J Rogan is serving them lunch.

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Go Joe Rogan!!!

Go Tulsi!!!

Go Rand Paul!! Go classy Massie!!

This country needs to bring the media to heel. And the government. But you can't do one without the other.

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MSNBC is Propaganda!!! Not news!

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This is great, but likely too late to affect the election. It will take a while before he succeeds and he likely will. The amount may be reduced but I hope not. I hope he can turn around and buy MSNBC with his award.

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not sure why you would conclude that

Everyday I see huge unprecedented changes.

The fake news is best buried...

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Do not forget : The CIA and the Media

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." - former CIA Director William Colby.

We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false" - William J. Casey

Source of CIA Director William J. Casey's Disinformation Program Quote


Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the state - James Angleton, CIA Chief of Counterintelligence, 1954-1974


Operation Mockingbird, CIA Media Control Program


OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD: How The CIA Took Over The Mainstream Media

MOCKINGBIRD: The Subversion Of The Corporate Media By The CIA


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I'm so glad you reported on Rogan's suit. I hope others spread the word and that he wins. I also hope that this serves to begin the dismantling of Big Pharma, Big Media, Big Government and Big Evil.

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Time for MSLSD and other dishonest legacy media to be sent to the corporate graveyard where those organizations belong! Let ‘em have it, Joe!

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How just how can the public get the honest news….they can’t! All this underground honest reporting never sees the light of day on TV and all my family and friends are blinded and intellectually crippled by it.

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I tell friends - of any political persuasion - to: a) NEVER watch TV for "news"; b) read across a broad range of magazines, newspapers and posts - not just from their favored media; and c) listen to some of the long-form podcasts out there, again taking in a range of opinions. To me it is the only way to escape the state-run media narratives that appear to dominate... but that, I suspect, are beginning to show welcome signs of failure.

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100% true is your statement. The steady stream of high grade propaganda from the MSM is analogous to the volumes of addictive preprocessed food Americans consume without hesitation. So satisfied with the news from the MSM that most watchers won’t awaken to the fact they are being lied to or that the consumption of such toxins will kill them- or eventually hobble any quality of life- just like a steady consumption of the standard American ultra processed diet will do.

Some will state that there are plenty of alternate news sources from which people get their diet of news or opinions that counter the MSM and allow watchers to make an informed decision about topics. That is also true, however- just like people are aware their standard unhealthy diet is toxic and they might attempt to seek out alternate healthier choices, their habits are so entrenched with the readily available vending machine type crap served by the MSM that true awareness of damaging and deceptive effects of their MSM diet will not be realized.

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They most definitely can, There are dozens of uber high quality Sub Stacks, as well as Telegram publishers. Most definitely do not tune in to the Fake News Echo Chamber to be programmed...

You need new friends.

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I tell friends - of any political persuasion - to: a) NEVER watch TV for "news"; b) read across a broad range of magazines, newspapers and posts - not just from their favored media; and c) listen to some of the long-form podcasts out there, again taking in a range of opinions. To me it is the only way to escape the state-run media narratives that appear to dominate... but that, I suspect, are beginning to show welcome signs of failure.

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Can you imagine watching the MSM and believing what they say to be true? I can’t even stand watching a minute of it without wanting to turn it off.

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Go, Joe!!💪

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They'll blame it on their own collective artificial intelligence.

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Maybe next time he'll remember to leave clearer breadcrumbs for MSNBC to piece together his real thoughts.

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