Here is what I am going to tell this publication along with other 1A press freedom advocates. They have got to get their lawyers involved today-now-now- today! If I could clap my hands while enunciating every word of the previous sentence, I would for emphasis in combatting the narrative that this is another unconstitutional shunt left unattended. They need to file all the amicus and appeal to higher courts to overturn this Spook Jinn "Law Enforcement" process. Accepting a plea deal has been an anathema to right to a speedy trial process, lengthening the time a person can be held without representation and in pre-trial confinement in America. The 6th Amendment is bound in a corner with a sock stuffed in its mouth. There is a real problem here. I think Free Press coalitions need to get together to file a class action suit to sue to overturn this verdict right away. As in, cancel your afternoon plans and file legal class action paperwork with special considerations to the human rights case for Julian Assange.

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I judge no man who takes a plea deal. The government holds all the keys, and it will grind anyone into dust.

I would have loved for him to stand trial and make the government make its case (and fail). But that was never going to happen. instead, we get to see the government fail in a different way. Either way, they have shown their ass and we know what they are. The state is the enemy.

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Hope Assange doesn’t now end up Epsteined.

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Wondering if part of the deal was selective deletion of some Wikileaks content.

Went looking here https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/41093 and got ‘Internal Server Error’ when clicking on one of the many search matches.

Maybe it has been dead for a while but sad if they not only broke the Constitution but also get to suppress the data.

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It would seem that what the government considers American only applies to them, the government is American not us. This is how there statements look to me!! Remember we are all potential terrorists to the American government. If being American is what defines the shit bags who play the lie of politics, money, and death. They can have that word American!!! We are just good people, with good intentions, who want good things, who love one another, who are trying to make it despite all the hurdles being placed in front of us. I personally have morals, I don’t want war neither does any good person. They can have that word American in fact moving forward all governments are American in my eyes now. They have separated them selves from us, it’s time we separate ourselves from them!!!!

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Beautifully said!

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When secrets are exposed the bs explodes.

Releasing Julian Assange is to distract from the coming planned crisis.

Julian should never have been jailed in the first place. They merely leveraged his action as a warning to stop free speech, to stop the sick depravity and evil corruption these maniacs have tried to hide, to stop us from taking their power away from them.

We, the international global citizens need to name, shame and shun them.

They launched the covid to kill us, to poison us, to terrorise us. Hello Fauci, WHO, FDA, CDC

They designed the vaccines to slay and maim us. Hello Bill Gates and the Rockefellers.

They lied to us and continue to lie to us. Hello Biden, Obama, Bush,Hillary Clinton, CIA, FBI, NSA.

The money system is broken. Hello Federal Reserve, US Treasury, Blackrock, JP Morgan and The Wall St looters and polluters.

The governance system is no longer democracy based on truth. Too many politicians to name and shame. But their bs is now stuck to their face. So we know them by sight. Waters, Pelosi. Warren.

The Judiciary system is completely destroyed, corrupted and they're more familiar with dispensing injustice. Hello Julian, hello Gaza, hello Jan 6.

The swamp needs cleaning.

Their stench overwhems, pervades and infects every metric of our lives. Waterblast them until they become part of mother earth. Only then, can their lives be deemed useful.

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Amazing how MUCH he Exposed the Evil/Corrupt Federal Government, conspiracy and money laundering. The vile nature of our corrupted/despicable Federal Bureaucratic trash-hole has gotten over the past decades. Was Bad before Obama but not just Corrupt EVIL trashhole.

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No one is talking about the fact that Trump said he would pardon Assange as soon as he got into office. Perhaps the timing of this has something to do with the debate? Another issue off the table?

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I hope that the last thing going through Mike Pence’s head is a Russian-made bullet.

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Trump should give him a full pardon. He’s a hero in my estimation.

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Please tell me. Was any person harmed or killed by facts Assange exposed?

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In a recent move to stir the political pot, Trump dropped a damning video of President Biden on Truth Social, sparking further discussions and controversies.


— Donald J. Trump Posts From His Truth Social (@TrumpDailyPosts) June 14, 2024

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"They" are now free to have him have an "accident". Very sad, but I believe it will happen. Or as one of the other commenters said, "epsteined".

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Pardon Snowden

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What was Snowden's guilt?

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How long until he is unalived?

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This is how people are silenced...the US government controls the people though their public ed and social services...Biological, American families are silenced with the use of fraudulent "orders', "policies" and fake documents to kidnap and traffick pur children, they call it ADOPTION

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