It is a sad fact that evil scum can lie to Congress and nothing gets done because the Democrat and RINO part of Congress are mostly all on the money train.

Nearly everything the unelected jackass appointed three letter agencies do is crime against the public and has caused a complete disrespect and disobedience to anything the burrocratic government says to do.

The major talk today among the best good people I know is that they can't believe what has happened to our country. This includes most business owners, police, firemen, nurses, military, and agriculture.

Only the government teat sucking welfare bunch aren't complaining.

The homeless are abundant everywhere and work tax free on many street corners. I can't walk into a Home Depot, Lowes, or Restaurant today without getting hit up by some bigger with a sad canned story. When they die nobody knows who many of them are. A DNA sample is taken and they clog up freezers until they end up buried in an unmarked grave.

Washington DC is the heart of the problem and will never be a solution when nothing gets done to criminals like Fauci or crooked Biden.

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Sure. The crimes are way bigger.

But all started in 1967 in Germany, where the sociopaths who rule the world buried the true cause of cancer and the fact that it is an easy curable disease. The mass murder started much earlier than COVID-19, COVID-19 is only a detail of a much bigger agenda:


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What is the link for RFK Jr. wonderful election poster where he yields a giant sledgehammer? Does anybody know? Many thanks


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