I hope if Trump is elected both Paul and RFK jr are put in charge of cleaning up the cdc, fda, NIH, dismantling the bioweapon programs worldwide, and getting America out of WHO and the UN globalists’ agenda. They have the ammunition to begin this amputation.

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Yes indeed.

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Dr Paul and RFK Jr in the same government, working for ordinary people, is something to be wished for.

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This is so great to finally hear what I said all along!!!! So sad that my family was i bed with the PC koolade . My life is not the happy family i once had🥲 please incarcerate these devils so at least i can feel relief

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The corruption in the United States is at a level that is unbelievable. We better get to the bottom of this and hold these people accountable and put them in prison. I don’t understand why that hasn’t happened already. Where are all the good people? Why does it seem there is more evil people than good? “Because they get away with it all the time.” What has happened to the United States Of America? We live in a scary time.

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Of course, there is a giant majority of good people, but they are not politicians.

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Another area that's apparently taboo to investigate is the proposition this virus was spreading weeks or months before the Wuhan wet-market outbreak. Evidence of "early spread" would show this virus may have been very contagious - and probably made millions of people sick with flu-like symptoms. However, this virus was NOT "deadly" as there was never any spike in all-cause deaths before mid-March 2020. The virus was spreading widely all around the world by November 2019.

More people need to ask why "early spread" is off-limits to official investigation.

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Everyone in my house was sick in November 2019. We all went to the doctor with flu like symptoms yet none of us tested positive. Thankfully our doctor treated us as if we did antibiotics and steroids. Curiously we were near an Air Force base where many soldiers were flying in and out of China. All of us decided not to get the jab mainly because of stubborn determination to resist totalitarianism. None of us were sick until the omicrom variant sickened most of us in our small town. When we tell people we believe we got covid in 2019 they look at us like we have two heads.

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The last week of 2019 I had the worst flu I had had in a long time. I suspect it was the kung flu as well.

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I had several people coming into my office in February of 2019!! Saying they had been so sick with flu like symptoms and the doctors told them it was something going around. After they had been sick for about 6 weeks the doctor gave them antibiotics and they were fine! This crap was started in 2019, why do you think Gates and his cronies had a “Pandemic” rehearsal in NYC between September and November!

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Military Games were held in Wuhan late 2019. Event 201 held in New York Oct 2019, Pacific Eclipse held in December 2019. A test became available late January 2020? Testing began

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Testing, especially early, was not reliable. I have had Covid twice. Both episodes were really mild. (Never took the vaccine.) I tested negative 1st time; positive 2nd time. Definitely the same virus each time.

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Yes testing is unreliable. Again a lie to scare people and push the numbers! People were so scared that they believed a positive result with no symptoms! This whole thing is such a travesty!

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In March of 2020, while on vacation in Florida during the beginning of the COVID lockdown, I discovered YouTube videos of Dr. Francis Boyle. Dr. Boyle had the receipts. He had documentation of the trail from the University of North Carolina labs’, headed by Dr. Ralph Baric, work on gain of function research on Bat Coronaviruses.

This research included the participation of scientists FROM CHINA. This is the trail of origin of this work from US funded labs to Wuhan.

Why is no-one talking about this?!

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Because it must be covered up at all cost s.

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Good article-at least it’s a good start down the right road. What a hellish person Fauci is & continue to be!

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Fauci is not in charge. Look to the people on his side, funding him.

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Fauci is as guilty as his handlers.

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Thank you for keeping up this fight!

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Germ Theory is just a unproven theory. There's no virus. Never has been.

Read/listen Virus Mania book!

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I totally agree that Dr. Fauci should be held accountable for not only the experiments with taxpayer dollars, but the panic he used to give Biden the ability to close down the country and mandate not only vaccinations, but the required masks for school children that delayed their socialization and learning for two years.

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This article gives no credit to RFK Jr for being the first in exposing Fauci with his monumental book THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI. Disappointing indeed.

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Let me know when they throw somebody in jail!!!!!

I find it hard to believe that since 2019 there is nobody in jail for this

We have sanctioned hundreds if not thousands of people because of a gazillion other issues

NOTHING has been done to any of the people involved with creating the plandemic!!!

Way too much talk and ZERO action

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Look no further than the Biden administration, the three letter agencies, the rest of the government agencies of unelected individuals, corporations in bed with government and world three letter entities such as the WHO, NATO, WEF, etc.

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The hands of the US do not appear to be clean, either, on this issue of bioweapons. Are there US labs or weapons in Urkaine? Was Fort Dix the source of the outbreak of swine flu in the mid-1970s? Legacy media is remarkably incurious about whether putatively defensive bioweapons research is a thin disguise for for offensive weapons. Wasn't the research in Wuhan for a DoD program run by EcoHealth Alliance (and what an odd choice of places for DoD to conduct defensive research -- in the country that is its principal competitor on the global stage). Is it possible that the leading nuclear powers have opted to pursue bioweapons as an attack method that is more plausibly denied than nuclear weapons? Given that China is far more of an ethnostate than either Russia or the US, the risks are alarming for a genetically tailored bioweapon to affect populations other than their own.

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Sit back in your chair and close your eyes, imagine Rand Paul is President of the United States of America...what would America be like today...?

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A much better place!

Not a Marxist place which it has become.

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Follow the science…didn’t the furin cleavage site, have the exact rna sequencing as the one that Moderna, had a patent on?

Maybe one reason Moderna was suing Pfizer for more of the profit cause of copyright infringements?

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Who actually is on the patent of the Moderna sequence?

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Evil versus evil!

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Yes. I am fully aware of this. I have RFK Jnr’s book on the subject and I regularly listen to Congress and these two great men. I just learnt here Dr Rand was a doctor.

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