Western NC, Tennessee, Ga., Fla. Suffering from Hurricane. Ashville underwater, thousands missing, No electricity of water, Spruce Pine destroyed. Citizens told FEMA will be in some of these areas in two weeks. Private citizens being turned away from rescuing people. People with private helicopters turned away and threatened with jail after rescuing elderly and a newborn baby. Truck convoys turned away that had water . Diapers, formula. Harris made materialize and said victims would be given $759 is they “ really needed it” yet illegals were being given free hotel rooms and debit cards with thousands of dollars EACH. E

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Brandon(ie), Kammie and Timmie should all be keelhauled.

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This is why we need to get the dems out of power it always has gone to their heads and always trying to grab more and more it’s a sickness that needs stoping in its tracks remove the democrats and bring peace back to America other countries will have no choice in following America and PRESIDENT TRUMP’S LEAD then help Nigel farage get kier starmer out in England along with his woke up the eu’s arse party putting them back in their box then start rebuilding world democracy and peace around the globe

And time is running out may GOD help us all come November 5th


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News From the Frontline of Helene

Robert W Malone MD, MS Oct 02, 2024

¨One of the most disgusting things has been our government’s response. Although they are unable to get into the areas hardest hit, they have protocols for private citizens to stand down. These protocols are being enforced. So, although our government can’t supply water, food, air support, or rescue missions, in many cases, they are not permitting others with the resources and supplies to do what is needed. Trucks full of water and food are being turned around, and rescue missions are being stopped...¨ Read More


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So what you want to believe flys in the face of logic.

Think about it - if the supply’s cant get in - then who is enforcing anything in that area on the ground? Of course they are going to have a “no fly” zone as rescue flights dont need to be worried about Jimmy-joe-Bob in his whirlie bird getting in the way. Thats just basic 101 saftey.

I realize you are a russian bot - but this is for the people who might actually believe this crap.

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Wow, you are a clown or a clown bot. The way the the law figures it is if, we can't help people, we'll stop others from getting our credit!! MP Martin wants you to believe that the gov't would never stop anyone from really rescuing someone even if it made gov't look bad... Yeah, ok MP Martin, they're only stopping Gomer backwood looking types? No, they're stopping anyone that makes them look like they are doing nothing, regardless of whether it allows somebody to potentially get hurt or die!!! They've also been stopping people from flying drones in remote areas that were helping others to safety, why MP Martin? I'm not a bot, so am I just making it up also? Stop all the hating and let people get rescued anyway that's available, gov't helped or not, that ok with you MP Martin?

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"I Am Literally Flying Around In A Civilian Helicopter Looking For SOS Messages Carved In The Mud."

Reports Pour In From Rescue Volunteers Thwarted and Even Threatened With Arrest If They Set Out To Save Desperate People With Hours To Live, or Less: Mass Media Underplaying The Death Toll

Celia Farber Oct 02, 2024


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I propose that all future foreign aid bills are funded by those who voted for them.

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Horrific! Breaking911 @Breaking911

INSANE: Experienced pilot rescuing flood victims in NC ordered to stop, threatened with arrest


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It would represent the US citizens if Congress would stop the Biden money laundrying train to Ucraine.

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Congress have been the great enablers of this issue for decades, and only Congress has the power to stop it. The folks who cut the checks are responsible for the amounts cut; and it's high time those amounts favored average Americans, not the military industrial complex and foreign entities.

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Ukraine is known to be one of the world’s largest money launderers.

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As my investment advisor often reminds me when adding to our defense stock positions, "Keep in mind that the success of a defense firm depends not on how good its weapons are but on how many congressmen it owns. Congress buys the weapons."

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John Kerrry was a TRAITOR in Vietnam. He has NOT improved with age.

Unfortunately, Treason is now socially accepted, apparently by both political parties. This must end if the America we know and love is to recover and survive.

Do check our book Invisible Treason -- The #1 New Book on Amazon when it came out, and still the most popular and best selling on that theme. https:/www.johntrudel.com

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From this chart , the big change was around 1982 ? What happened to America then ?

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Because part of the Ukraine, unfamiliar to most sleepers, is the epitome of evil etc & is run & owned by the Cabal. They want to rule the world with their NWO. Wait til the world finds out who is behind all of it!!!

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Fuck your cabal, it's the mother fuckin' jews!!!

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One and the same. Operating out of Ukraine. Sex trafficking. Child trafficking, Drug trafficking, Money Laundering, Guns etc... Zelensky is a gay actor & drag queen.

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Oh my God, is your hatred that blinding🤦🏼‍♀️

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What does that mean exactly? Wait a minute , are you jewish?

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Have you considered the fact that the money sent to Ukraine might be laundered and end up in the pockets of politicians and globalists. They didn’t get rich from lobbyists .. I mean seriously. This needs to be investigated!!!!!!

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Might? There ain’t no maybe about it.

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Thank you. I thought so too .

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Considered? Of course this is money laundering.

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Congress has responsibility for this matter and they should have stepped in long ago, they’re as guilty as the administration! Get off your ass people!

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1 adult in DC?

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