Good article. I do have a problem with "lab leak theory" being used so often. It is like "gain of function" being used instead of "bioweapon" research. Lab leak implies an accident. Lab origin would be much better. There is a lot of evidence that supports an intentional release of the virus over accidental.

1) The wet market story was used to give the impression that doctors accidentally spread it because they caught it in the lab. This was later proven a lie which implies intentional coverup story.

2) The release date was before the wet market date.

3) It was found in multiple countries about the same time, not seeming to stem from patient zero,. (blood bank samples tested after the fact)

4) Event 201, the practice event was merely weeks before the first release of the virus.

5) The Mass Formation Psychosis was building up months before the virus so much that I told my wife, "they are building an army" and I paid off a mortgage because I saw something coming. Matias Desmet said the same thing in his book. Many of us saw it coming and prepared for it. That can't be an accident.

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I keep saying it --- COVID and the jabs were the greatest genocide in the history of the world. IT IS PAST TIME FOR Nuremberg 2.0,

Short ropes and long drops!!! Fauci should go first. Gates can be next.

Action is needed. Our book "Invisible Treason" (#1 New Book on Amazon last year.) may be useful.


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The "lab leak" occured shortly after the Reverse Repo Market froze up, in October 2019, then the subsequent "decision" by The Banksters (The Fed) to complete the end of the Fractional Reserve Banking System.

Silicon Valley Bank failed, then the other 2, because the Overnight Reverse Repo Market was where the banks had been making 2/3 of their money. The smaller banks got squeezed out because of their comparatively small amount of capital.

Now that the Fractional Reserve Banking System, which was how banking had worked since Adam and Eve, has ended, we're in an entirely unsubstantiated monetary system.

The Banksters have to print incrementally more Debt. Covid gave The Fed their rationale for printing $6 trillion dollars. And currently we have to print $2 trillion dollars of Debt this year. Next year at least $2 1/2 trillion dollars more than Revenue. Our whole economy is a Ponzi Scheme. On top of which we now have the Derivatives Trading Market as The Banksters' main source of income, which compounds the Debt a theoretical infinite amount of times.

Long story short, covid had to be done because Trump reduced the 2019 Deficit from the running $1 trillion dollars per year down to $700 billion dollars, which was unsustainable in a Debt Based Economy.

Next year, if Trump is elected, The Banksters (The Fed) STILL must print the $2 1/2 trillion dollars of Debt. If they try to cut the Deficit, the Ponzi Scheme will crash.

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It is a felony to lie to the Feds .........

Fauci and friends deserve hard time both because they earned it and to set an example for others.

The folks who were more interested in protecting their Chinese interests than American interests including Biden who was getting large sums thanks to Hunter's work ((10% FOR THE BIG GUY))

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Thank you— any consequences for secret bioweapon research and resulting catastrophe and CRIMES against population?

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We were and are being played LOTS of shiny objects to chase. There needs to be legal accountability for the coverup of the side effects of the injections if not for the actual side effects themselves

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