They came with their Doctors and their lockdowns. Torched our economies, suffocated our lungs with masks, destroyed the minds of our children, killed and maimed us for life with poison filled needles…

And now they want us to be thankful to the WHO for being saved…

from a cold.

Once the psychopaths responsible for this are swinging from lampposts, we must never forget this tyranny, and never allow it occur again.

Always remember: it's never been about safety.

https://tritorch.com/safety.jpg [image]

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I appreciate Senator Paul very much, but I don’t anticipate this will garner enough support, not just because of Democrats, but because of the “RINOs” aka “uniparty” are for themselves and against the people. They are not going to relinquish power. The root of our problems remain with having a centralized, federal government.

The “Anti-Federalists” did try to warn us through The-Anti-Federalist-Papers. Perhaps we should review those documents again and look to the Anti-Federalists for wisdom out of this mess? They gave us the Bill of Rights! (Federalist Hamilton said the Bill of Rights was not necessary!!)

Yes, James Madison did write the Bill of Rights, but he only wrote the Bill of Rights after NY and VA would not ratify the Constitution without a Bill of Rights.

I also think a “scamdemic” will happen again, but this time, it might be the real mccoy. Why did the Deagel report anticipate that the population of the US (along with other western countries) would be reduced by 75% in 2025? Scare tactics? Who knows, but we can’t live in fear either.


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It's simple; if it benefits the people, Democrats will oppose. If it hurts the people, or better yet, KILLS the people, Democrats are a hard yay.

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COVID was a trial run. If this doesn’t pass they will find a way to gin up enough fear to Globalize us…. Such as threat of WWIII and a nuclear strike to scare us into submission they sure seem to be engineering us in that direction

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Don’t give up!

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