When Anthony Fauci began promoting the use of AZT to treat AIDS, the great menace of the disease was psychological. People with narcissistic or sociopathic tendencies who caught the disease felt no particular protective instinct for the rest of Society. They were going to keep enjoying their bathhouse orgies until they died. Young men first coming out as gay and seeking gay companionship, got infected without warning, because the people who suspected they might have AIDS had little incentive to give up the orgies nor figure out safe ways to gratify their sexual urges.

Against this sense of entitlement, every wildly unsupported conspiracy theory about AIDs, particularly the ones that imagined the Reagan Administration as having made the virus intentionally to kill gay people, became an excuse NOT to practice safer sex. Allegedly the vast right-wing conspiracy already had the cure and enough political force could compel them to release it. This was the perfect psychological death trap, in that high-risk sex continued to increase the numbers of infected people and nothing was being done about it.

The existence of any treatment perceived to

extend life (whether or not true In all cases), was seen by NIH officials as necessary to break the psychological death trap. If HIV could be made survivable, propaganda could persuade people to get a diagnosis hoping the ravages of their disease could be lessened. So AZT was promoted as a first line drug in the early 1980's because no second-line drug existed.

I interned my senior year under AZT discoverer Dr Jerome Horwitz, at what's now the Karmanos Cancer Institute. Dr Horwitz was a pack rat. If a molecule cost the Institute's donors or the NIH hundreds of thousands of dollars in staff salaries, laboratory operations (that's everything from piped-in steam and chilled water to paying custodians on the night shift to scrub our dirty glassware clean then rinse away the soap film with distilled water), during which some lowly intern earned a few car payments bellying up to the lab bench and reacting chemicals to make the desired substance, Dr Jerome Horwitz just refused on principle to scrap the substance after it was first made. It could always serve as the starting material for another molecule, saving months of effort getting there.

I was no longer at Karmanos Institute when NIH phoned Horwitz for advice on how to make some AZT and ended up with his personal stash the next day in a FedEx box.

I had graduated and had taken a technician job at an environmental lab where we worked on detoxifying wastewater from factories. But it cheered me reading the news that Dr Horwitz' waste-nothing approach had won the day. (My late father and Dr Horwitz were both honored years later at an

Ability Is Ageless event. Both men were in their 80s. Both were still doing science...Horwitz in Bio-Organic Chemistry and my dad in pieZoelectric crystal studies. And both Dad and Dr Horwitz were pack rats who threw nothing away that might prove useful later).

A key factor in medical practice is the genetic diversity of our population. The physician must individualize treatment to fit the needs of the patient, and commonly that conflicts with the prejudicial belief that everyone is identical. In a more-recent example, about 1% of the population get an atypical reaction to opioid drugs. The human body synthesizes around 800 mg of morphine daily and it operates our biological clock, telling us when it is bedtime. It's opposed hormone, dopamine, alerts us when it's time to wake up. Heart disease is common in firefighters, who while on duty defy their biological clocks, waking up to answer emergency calls. But around 1% of the population get an atypical reaction: the opiate drug triggers a dopamine release and they become wide awake on what for 99% of us is a sleeping drug. (Earlier this year noted journalist Tucker Carlson needed surgery, was given an opiate for pain, and gave a vivid description of what it is like to be one of those 1% of patients who becomes wide awake from a sleeping drug). Although regulators today are totally obsessed with addiction risks and some want to block 99% of the population from using a drug made in their own bodies, a serious danger to folks with Mr Carlsson's condition is that if they have a heart attack, morphine is the only drug available to re-oxygenate their blood. That's absolutely vital for keeping the heart patient alive for bypass surgery. Finding a drug that calms people who become awake from an opiate sleeping drug will save lives. (Primary opiate addiction is common in the 1% who are stimulated awake by opiates, as the drugs can become recreational, leading to frequent habitual use).

If we consider the role of genetic diversity, it is entirely possible that a percentage of the population improved when their AIDS was treated with AZT and another subset of the population got sicker from the toxic properties of the drug. Not everyone who was given the mRNA immunotherapy for COVID, died of it. But alarming numbers of people did die of it. The myth that all people are identical and respond identically to the same medications, is a dangerous one. (Much of the role private capital plays in Obamacare, is rooted in the belief that all people are medically identical and with a big-enough data set on which to train it, an AI computer can outperform most doctore, thereby saving Medicaid and Medicare oodles of money. It's mythic from beginning to end, but persuading a narcissist with billions in private equity to squander is usually impossible. The actions self-reinforce the belief and continue until all funds are depleted).

The Left seem to have learned the lesson of AIDS politics. When COVID came out as an equal-opportunity infection, Leftist politicians lost no time establishing a quarantine and imposing censorship on scientific and medical discussion. They wanted to prove that Reagan's authoritarianism failed but Biden's authoritarianism succeeded, because Mr Biden was Woke to Marxist dialectical materialism and Reagan was not. The ugly reality was that science can not function in the absence of free speech and a free press. Only by questioning our theories do we get better theories and conceive of experiments that test if a theory is true or false. Once a false theory is disproved, it clears our space in our thinking to develop better theories.

JFK never lived to see it, but his greatest gift to science was the shocking evidence of multiple great calamities caused by asteroid impacts on Earth, two of which replaced one population of dinosaurs with another and a third that ended the dinosaurs and ushered in the birds and mammals of today's world. Finding that the lunar maria are dark spots of debris that shot into space from the force of each asteroid collision, some of which fell on the Moon, gives striking evidence that major craters on Earth that occur with deposits of rare platinum metals, don't simply resemble impact craters, but are impact craters. The new US Space Force can sensibly take on a defensive mission of studying ways to capture asteroids heading toward Earth, get them into Earth orbit, and mine them for useful minerals. It would be a good thing if the next major asteroid encounter became a source of economic growth rather than the destruction of of all life as we know it.

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Instead of riding off into retirement, how about putting Fauci on trial for crimes against humanity? Without his funding of the Bat Lady, would there have been a COVID Pandemic? Fauci circumvented the system to allow for research into Gain of Function research. Similar to Josef Mengele’s contribution to “medical research”. If no one makes an example out of Anthony Fauci, where is the deterrent for the next megalomaniac?

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COVID and the jabs were the worst genocide in the history of the world. It is past time for Nuremberg 2.0.

Short ropes and long drops.

Fauci should go first. Gates can be next.

God Bless America.


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How many of fauci's victims get to retire

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COVID and the jabs were the worst genocide in the history of the world. It is past time for Nuremberg 2.0.

Short ropes and long drops.

Fauci should go first. Gates can be next.

God Bless America.


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Fauci is the Dr. Mengele of our time, and like Mengele he ran the most powerful agency for health for 40 years, here in the U.S.. Both Fauci and Mengele experimented on people and caused the death of millions with untested drugs, coercion, extreme propaganda and crushing criticism of any other physician, and subverting alternative medications through force and censorship. Fauci has a long history of barbarism and lies. In 2004 he was busted funding experiments on AIDS orphans at NYC hospitals. It was reported that at least 25 children died and an additional 55 died following his experiments and in total 532 children died as of 2009.

He is Frankenstein and he uses people as his guinea pigs for profit and power. And in his spare time, he used monkeys on a hidden and secretive island where he spent $16 million on toxic brain injections in 2018. And let's not forget the torture of beagles in animal studies where just for fun he did a study in Tunisia (of course, behind a shield of secrecy) where the dogs were eaten alive by parasite infected flies.

Fauci is a madman, and he needs to be tried for crimes against humanity and the persecution of animals for his enjoyment. He's a disgusting man, who is devoid of any morality whatsoever and a prison in El Salvador with MS 13, might just be the first step to destroy him as he did to the millions of lives he so blithely took. If he survives, I'd approve of the next step to get a boat and send him to Monkey Island to fend for himself and never seen again.

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